INFO > System Log
A numbered list of DVR events with the time & date of the event can be found here. Events such as
Login/Logout, Video Loss, Power On/Off, Firmware Updates, Remote Login Info, etc.
Click the Left or Right arrow buttons or use the scroll wheel on the mouse to move through the list of events.
The System Log can be exported to a disk or USB device for review on a computer. (file saved as .TXT)
1. Insert a disk (CD-RW or DVD-RW) or connect a USB device to the DVR.
2. Click the EXPORT button.
3. [TARGET] Select the location where the list will be saved: USB device or disk.
4. [FOLDER] Give the folder a name if desired.
5. Click the
button to export the system log.
USB should be formated to FAT32. To format, refer to: SETUP MENU > Disk > Check / USB