- 21 -
Choose your Security. If Open is chosen (No security) radio will connect. However having
No security is not recommended. If any other security (WEP, WPA, WPA2) is chosen,
display will show:
If WEP is chosen: If WPA is chosen: If WPA2 is chosen:
Choose your desired setting. Display will show:
Enter “Key” by using navigation keys on remote or turning “TUNE” knob on front panel.
Use navigation keys “UP/DOWN” on remote or turn “TUNE” knob to choose between
numbers, letters, capital letters or special characters.
Enter key using navigation keys on remote or >>| <<| buttons on front panel to choose
correct number/letter and press “ENTER” on remote or “TUNE” knob on front panel to
When whole key is entered correctly choose
to proceed. Choose “<” to clear and “C” to
Radio will connect.
10.6 Time Setup
Please go to page 10
7. Setting the time and date
10.7 Factory Reset
Use navigation key LEFT on remote to go back in the menu. Press several times until
“MAIN MENU” is an option in the menu. Choose “MAIN MENU” by pressing “ENTER” on
remote or “TUNE” knob on front panel. From the main menu choose “System setup” From
system setup choose “Factory reset” Display will show:
- 22 -
Press “SETUP/INFO” on remote to confirm reset. By doing this the radio will restart with
the factory settings. This also means that all connections has to be configured again. A
factory reset may be necessary if the radio is not functioning correctly or menu/display is
acting up.
10.8 Software upgrade
This feature is NOT to be used. This can seriously damage the radio and should only be
used by qualified service personal
10.9 Info
Choose “Info”. Display will show:
Choose “SW version” to see the software version.
Choose “Radio ID” to see the unique ID of your radio. This can be used to create an
account on
10.9.1 Adding favourites and stations
Choose “Radio ID” to see the unique ID of your radio. This can be used to create an
account on
When you have created an account you can now add favourites directly to your radio. You
can also add your own stations if needed. You can also listen to all the radio stations from
here on your PC.
11. Using Internet Radio
The Internet Radio mode allows the user to select services (Live radio stations or
Podcasts) to listen to from the VTuner portal.
When the user connects to Internet Radio , a station list is provided. This is built up after
the initial logon from the VTuner server. The actual menu items within the Station list menu
will not change and it is sent back directly from the VTuner portal; We do not alter the data.
The Station list menu and the two submenus that lead off (for items relating to Internet
Radio and Podcasts, respectively) are shown below.
- 23 -
The Internet Radio Stations list menu provides the following functions:
My favourites
Create an account on
When you have created an account you can now add favourites
directly to your radio. You can also add your own stations if
needed. You can also listen to all the radio stations from here on
your PC.
Navigates to sub-menu which allows user to navigate to stations
by location, genre, most popular, new stations, or by doing a
search by alphabets.
Navigate to sub-menu which allows users to navigate to podcast
and listen-again services by location, genre, or by doing a search
by alphabets. On to off
My Added stations
Create an account on
When you have created an account you can now add favourites
directly to your radio. You can also add your own stations if
needed. You can also listen to all the radio stations from here on
your PC.
The Internet Radio playing screen displays information on the currently selected service,
and is the default behaviour when a service is selected and playing. The top line always
displays a Station name, whilst the information displayed in the bottom line can be scrolled
through by pressing the INFO button on the front panel. The different info displayed are
shown below.
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Signal strength
Radio services
Podcast services
<Name string>
Format : 128 kbps/MP3
Reliability : Excellent
Description : <a description string>
Genre : Dance
Location : Internet Only
Pressing the Info
Button changes
the Display state
Example screen
Signal strength
Episode Description
Show Description
Show genre
Show Language
Show City
Show State
Show Country
Show bookmark
Show Title
Location : London United Kingdom
Episode Description : <description string>
URL : <url string>
Show Description : <description string>
Show Format : <format string>
Show Language : <language string>
Show City : <city string>
Show State : <state string>
Show Country : <country string>
Show bookmark : <description string>
Show Title : <description string>
Internet Radio Playing screen
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