- 13 -
Please wait
No Network
Second Domain
No PC on
>XP Home
Second PC
No shares on
>First share
Second share
MP Share List menu
MP No Shares splash screen
MP PC List menu
MP No PC splash screen
MP Domain List menu
MP No Domain splash screen
MP Connecting splash screen
Are there PC
on this
Is there a
Are there any
shares on
the PC?
<Select>,<Back> or time
<Select>,<Back> or time
<Select>,<Back> or time
Select a domain
Select a PC
- 14 -
1. Ensure that the user name and password (If needed) are configured.
2. Enter the Music Player menu.
3. BT-H1503/1506 searches for all available domains and shows all found domains.
4. Once the user selects a domain, a list of PCs on the domain will be displayed:
5. Once a domain and PC has been chosen, a list of all the shared folders in the
system is displayed.
6. User can then select a folder and select a file to play within the folder.
7. Pressing MENU button on front panel will display the Music Player context menu,
which allows the user to return to the main menu, or pressing browse will take the
user into the last selected shared folder.
Second Domain
MP Domain List menu
>XP Home
Second PC
MP PC List menu
> Browse
Main Menu
MP Context menu
- 15 -
9. The MAIN menu
Use navigation key LEFT on remote to go back in the menu. Press several times until
“MAIN MENU” is an option in the menu. Choose “MAIN MENU” by pressing “ENTER” on
remote or “TUNE” knob on front panel. Display will show:
9.1 Internet radio
Please refer to page 22 for instructions on how to use Internet radio.
9.2 Music player
Please refer to page 12 for instructions on how to use Music player.
9.3 DAB(BT-H1506 Only)
Please refer to page 26 for instructions on how to use DAB.
9.4 FM
Please refer to page 28 for instructions on how to use FM.
10. System Setup (Step by step)
Go to the “MAIN MENU” using the navigations keys on remote or “|<<” button and “TUNE”
knob on front panel. Choose “SYSTEM SETUP” Display will show:
Choose “Internet setup”. Display will show:
- 16 -
10.1 Wizard
Please refer to page 8 for instructions on how to use wizard.
10.2 PC settings
This setting is used to input user name and password if your PC requires this for sharing
folders in “Music player”
Choose “PC setting”. Display will show:
Choose “User name” to input user name.
Enter “User name” by using navigation keys on remote or turning “TUNE” knob on front
Use navigation keys “UP/DOWN” on remote or turn “TUNE” knob to choose between
numbers, letters, capital letters or special characters.
Enter user name using navigation keys on remote or >>| <<| buttons on front panel to
choose correct number/letter and press “ENTER” on remote or “TUNE” knob on front
panel to confirm.
When whole user name is entered correctly choose
to proceed. Choose “<” to clear and
“C” to cancel.
Choose “Password” to input password.
Enter “Password” by using navigation keys on remote or turning “TUNE” knob on front
Use navigation keys “UP/DOWN” on remote or turn “TUNE” knob to choose between
numbers, letters, capital letters or special characters.
Enter password using navigation keys on remote or >>| <<| buttons on front panel to
choose correct number/letter and press “ENTER” on remote or “TUNE” knob on front
panel to confirm.
When whole password is entered correctly choose
to proceed. Choose “<” to clear and
“C” to cancel.
10.3 View settings
This setting is used to view the current settings. Choose “VIEW SETTINGS”. Display will
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