The wind sensor can also be fully
unscrewed from the sensor suite
for easier cleaning.
Low/No Rainfall readings are being received
The rainfall readings are measured by a tipping mechanism within the rain
collector – for these readings to be correct it is vital that this part is able to move
freely. As the rain gauge requires a small opening for rainfall to fall through and
activate the mechanism, it’s also possible that over time some form of debris may
block this opening, or alternatively get stuck around the internal mechanism
preventing it from moving fully. If your rainfall readings remain at zero, or appear
to be significantly lower than expected, it’s worth clearing around the rain gauge
and cleaning the internal tipping-mechanism to ensure that nothing is preventing
it from operating as it should.
Home Weather Station
Maintenance and Troubleshooting
Cleaning your Wind Sensors:
It’s also a good idea to keep your wind sensors clean in order to ensure they can
move freely enough to produce accurate readings. Use the supplied Allen key to
remove the wind vane and cups and then use a cloth to clean the metal shaft to
remove any built-up dirt or grit. Over time this can cause the wind sensors to ‘stick’
slightly, so keeping these clean and firmly tightened will ensure the sensors will
operate as they should.