D i g i t a l ( D X M 2 ) — Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g G u i d e
R e v. : 1 0 M a r c h , 2 0 1 5
G e o t h e r m a l H e a t i n g a n d C o o l i n g
Troubleshooting ClimateMaster Tranquility
Digital Packaged Heat Pumps is quite straightforward.
Most problems relate to water flow. Either there isn’t enough water flow or the entering water temperature is improperly
supplied. Most service problems can be addressed without refrigerant gauges. In fact, installing gauges on packaged heat
pumps can do more harm than good because packaged heat pumps contain less refrigerant compared to split systems.
The first thing to do is always perform a water side check (Heat of Extraction for Heating or Heat of Rejection for Cooling) to
determine if the unit is operating properly.
Set up and diagnostics are made easier using the communicating thermostat (ATC32) or the communicating service tool
(ACDU02). You must have ATC32 or ACDU02 to properly work on ClimateMaster Tranquility
Digital units that use the DXM2
control board.
Follow the flow chart on the following pages to help diagnose and solve your issue.