D i g i t a l ( D X M 2 ) — Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g G u i d e
R e v. : 1 0 M a r c h , 2 0 1 5
G e o t h e r m a l H e a t i n g a n d C o o l i n g
Notes: Specific to Splits
1. When using TES/TEP with communicating Air Handlers
(and not using ATC32U02 Thermostat using a 24 volt
stat) you must mount stat at Air Handler or unit. For
proper communicating between TES/
TEP, an Air Handler, ATC32U02 should be
placed in the OFF position when not using
it as a service tool.
2. When configuring TES or TEP after a board change
be sure of correct blower type. Select NONE on tool or
thermostat because there is no blower directly connected
to the DXM2.
3. TAH Air Handlers can be changed to operate blower on
115 volts instead of 230 volts. Be sure NOT
to connect the supplied jumper to other
opp. molex plug unless you truly want 115
4. When installing LT2 Sensor on cased coil or other manu-
facturer Air Handler, be sure it is installed between TXV
and distributor tubes. If you can not install
the sensor in that location then do not in-
stall the sensor any where else on the coil
and leave jumper on DXM2 board.
5. Ensure that TXV bulb is strapped outside of
the Air Handler or Cased Coil on the suction
line and that the TXV bulb is insulated.
6. All TES/TEP units come factory charged for an additional
25 feet of lineset. Be sure to add or subtract from this
based on your lineset length. Final verifica-
tion is looking at superheat and subcooling
numbers against operating parameters in
7. On AXM in TAH Air Handler, the only dipswitch used is
#2, which can be used for dehumidification. On the AXM,
“ON” is Normal and “OFF” is Dehumidification.
8. When brazing a lineset, use Nitrogen flow to prevent
oxidation and carbon build up, because these things can
restrict the TXVs. Also, protect service valves with a wet
rag or heat block to prevent overheating and causing
damage. Always install a biflow filter drier in lineset.
9. For reference connecting low voltage wiring
when using other Air Handlers or gas
furnace in duel fuel applications, see B-S.