Remote controlled voice/chirp switching
Whenever you wish, you may easily switch between the system’s “
” and “
announcements and siren chirp confirmations (one chirp confirms remote disarming,
two chirps indicate that the system is armed). To do so, simply press button 1/channel 5
(LevelShift once, then button 1) while the system is disarmed. You will hear a door-bell-
like chime to confirm that the system has switched to chirps. Transmitting channel 5
again re-enables the voice acknowledgments (confirmed by two chime sounds).
High-output MultiSound Medallion™ VoiceSiren
All the siren electronics are in the system control unit rather than the siren itself. This
protects them from heat, dirt and exposure to the elements (other alarm companies’
sirens are far more susceptible to failure). Your IntelliVoice-IQ also provides these
additional features:
Personalized Siren Sounds:
Most alarm sirens have a single “warble” tone. A few
offer “six-tone” sirens that either cannot be adjusted or require the physical
destruction of certain circuit wires in order to change the sounds (the change is
permanent and cannot be changed again). Your MultiSound Medallion Siren is
different. As shipped from the factory, the siren sounds six different alarm sound
patterns. However, you may turn any of the six alarm sounds on or off to create a
different combination of sound patterns. In all, there are 64 different combinations
you may select. If you set your own Personalized Siren Sounds and later hear a
siren at a distance, you will know for sure whether it is your car or someone else’s.
See User-selectable features on pages 17-21.
You can control the volume of the normal arm and disarm chirps.
As shipped from the factory, your system issues full-volume chirp acknowledgments.
If you prefer, you may reduce the chirp volume to a level that is clearly audible,
yet less obtrusive. See the User-selectable features section on pages 17-21.
Long-term chirp silencing:
Whenever you wish, you may silence your
IntelliVoice-IQ’s arm and disarm chirps until you decide to restore them. The
parking light flashes will continue to provide visual confirmation of remote
controlled arming and disarming. See User-selectable features on pages 17-21.
Remote controlled chirp muting:
Remote controlled chirp muting capabilities are
especially valuable when parking late at night in a quiet residential area or any
other time when you want to arm or disarm silently. To arm or disarm silently,
simply press button 3 (channel 3) on your remote control instead of the usual
button 1 (channel 1).
Siren duration:
When the system detects an intrusion attempt, the alarm is set to
sound for 30 seconds. However, if you prefer, you may change it to 60 seconds.
See the User-selectable features section on pages 17-21.
Headlight Reminder
If you turn the ignition off and open the driver’s door to exit the car without having turned
off the headlights, you will be reminded to turn them off with a distinctive warning tone.
If you prefer, you may turn off this feature. See User-selectable features on pages 17-21.