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1/10 Duerdin Street, Clayton VIC 3168 Australia
Tel: +61 3 9239 8088 Fax: +61 3 9239 8024
E-mail: [email protected] www.clenergy.com.au
1. Introduction
Clenergy PV-ezRack SolarRoof Isolator Shade is the latest accessory for roof-
top PV-mounting system. With full-covering bracket design and our patented Z-
Module technology, our Isolator Shade is easily installed along the Rail and
provides full covering for the Isolator.
Please review this manual thoroughly before installing PV-ezRack SolarRoof
Isolator Shade.
The installer is solely responsible for:
Complying with all applicable local or national building codes, including
any that may supersede this manual;
Ensuring that PV-ezRack and other products are appropriate for the
particular installation and the installation environment;
Using only PV-ezRack parts and installer-supplied parts as specified by
the PV-ezRack project plan. (substitution of parts may void the
warranty and invalidate the letter of certification);
Recycling according to the local relevant statutes.
Removal by reversing the installation process.
Ensure that there are no less than two professionals working on panel
Ensure the installation of related electrical equipment is performed by
licenced electricians.
Ensuring safe installation of all electrical aspects of the PV array. This
includes adequate earth bonding of the PV array and PV-ezRack®
components as required in AS/NZS 5033-2014 AMDT 2 2-2018.