Installation Guide / Grounding System
Code-Compliant Planning and Installation Guide V 1.1 - Complying with AS/NZS1170.2-2011 AMDT 2-2016
Installation Instructions
PV Module Clamps Installation
The guide below is for PV module clamps installation. For PV Module installation, please follow manual provided by the
Before module and clamps installation, it is important to arrange how to position grounding clips to achieve earthing
continuity between each PV modules and rails. The Clenergy recommends three different methods for Grounding
Clips Layout Arrangement.
- Installation Instructions -
Figure 1
Figure 3 “Zig Zag” Grounding Clips Layout
Figure 2
Figure 4 “All Inter Clamps” Grounding Clips Layout
Method 1: “Even and Odd”
• When there is an even number of PV Modules in each
row, install the grounding clips at the positions marked X in
Figure 1, where the number of Grounding Clips = number
of PV Modules. Figure shows 4 x PV Modules requiring 4 x
grounding clips.
• When there is an odd number of PV Modules in each
row, install grounding clips at positions marked X in Figure
2, where the number of Grounding Clips = number of PV
M 1. Figure shows 5 x PV Modules requiring 6 x
grounding clips.
Method 2: “Zig Zag”
Install the grounding clips at the positions marked X in
Figure 3, where the number of Grounding Clips = number
of PV M 1. Figure shows 5 x PV Modules requiring 6
x grounding clips.
• Please consult local PV Module supplier to check whether
“Zig Zag” grounding clips layout has any effect on PV
• Grounding clips are not suitable for Dual End Clamp.
Method 3: “All Inter Clamps”
Install the grounding clips at the positions marked X in
Figure 4, where the number of Grounding Clips = (number
of PV Modules -1) x 2. Figure shows 5 x PV Modules
requiring 8 x grounding clips.