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Manual No. 23301, Rev. F
During operation, a small sample of air, referred
to as sample-air, passes through the instrument, and is
continuously monitored by the chemical cell sensor. If
the sample-air supply fails for any reason, such as air
blockage, loss of pressure, or excessively high pressure,
an intermittent alarm horn will sound and the alarm-light
will illuminate
to alert the user.
The alarm trip-point is preset at 10 parts per
million (PPM), which is the maximum permissible
exposure level (PEL) of CO for Grade-D breathing air in
the USA. Refer to Section 2.5 to change the alarm trip
point to 5 PPM when required by local regulations.
In the event CO is detected in concentrations of
10 PPM, a continuous alarm horn sounds, and the "AIR
QUALITY" alarm light illuminates
. The alarms alert
the user to immediately stop blasting, and remove the
respirator as soon as it is safe to do so.
Annunciator Lights and Audible Alarm
Use and Functions
A horn (audible alarm) is provided on the
exterior of the instrument case, and annunciator lights
(visual alarms) are mounted on the faceplate. The lights
when conditions are safe, or
when an alarm occurs. The alarm horn sounds in
conjunction with the visual alarm.
All alarm conditions require the immediate
attention of the user. Stop blasting immediately,
and remove the respirator as soon as it is safe
to do. Check the monitor to determine the
cause for alarm.
The alarm lights and the nature of the alarm
horn indicate the condition causing an alarm. Functions
of the alarm annunciators are as follows:
Armed Light:
This indicates whether the alarm horn is
means the alarm horn is armed; no
light means it is disarmed. NOTE: The horn should
be disarmed only to temporarily silence it during
calibration by the technician.
Do not use the compressed air monitored by
this instrument for breathing without checking
to make sure all three alarm lights are
. Failure to heed this warning
can cause death from the inhalation of carbon
Alarm Light:
Green Light - No Audible Horn
Indicates there is correct air flow and pressure to the
sensor. Correct flow is observed on the flow meter;
the flow ball is usually between .5 and .8 SCFH
(standard cubic feet per hour).
Yellow Light - Intermittent Alarm Horn
(Approximately every ten seconds)
Sample-Air Failure: This alarm is due to either low
flow, or high flow in the test chamber. Low flow (flow
ball is low in the flow meter) is usually due to loss of
pressure or plug in the sample-air line, or the
external pressure regulator is set too low. High flow
(flow ball is high in the flow meter) is an indication
that the external pressure regulator is set too high.
Yellow Light - No Audible Horn
Warm-Up Period: During the first minute or two of
operation, the monitor goes through a warm-up
period while the sensor stabilizes. During the warm-
up period, this alarm occurs, and all other alarms
are non-operational. After the warm-up is complete,
the alarm-light turns
if the air is free of CO, or
if the air is contaminated with CO.
Air Quality light:
Green Light - No Audible Horn
Safe Condition: This means the sample-air gas is
below the permissible exposure level.
Do not use
the compressed air for breathing unless the AIR
QUALITY light is illuminated
Red Light - Continuous Audible Horn Alarm
Toxic Gas Detected: This alarm occurs when the
sensor detects 10 PPM of CO. NOTE: The alarm
light may be
for a brief time as the sensor
stabilizes after the warm-up.
Digital Display Window
The digital display shows the level of carbon
monoxide (CO) in parts per million (PPM). The sensor
also responds to hydrogen sulfide and a limited number
of other toxic gases, and may display inflated CO
readings when other toxic gases are detected. NOTE:
The display may be slightly high for a brief period while
the sensor stabilizes after the warm-up.
Switches, Use and Functions
1.8.1 Run/Calibration Switch:
Position the toggle in
the RUN position during the operating mode (all
operations other than the actual calibration test and
calibration process). If the toggle is not in the RUN