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2.2 Toxic Dust Poisoning
For operator safety clothing Type1 and Type 2, according to EN ISO 14877: 2002 (D) the following
Recent research by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has discovered poten-
tial risks of lead poisoning to unprotected abrasive blasting operators and other personnel who may be
exposed to lead-containing dust in the abrasive blasting vicinity.
This lead poisoned dust is primarily a result of removing lead containing paint.
Danger for life and health can also be caused by colours which contain heavy metal, asbestos or other
toxic material dust. Lead poisoning can cause death. The maximum ground level concentration is de-
clared by TRGS 900 to 0,1 mg/m3.
For that reason it is very important that the Blasting Contractor determines which kind of paint he has
to remove. If necessary he has to use then a helmet or an additional Air Respirator which is admitted
for the use with one of those materials.
The blasthood Apollo 600CE, can be used in any combination with operator safety clothing Typ 3
according to EN ISO 14877: 2002 (D) without any restriction in an ambient with such toxics.
2.3 Ear Protection
Always use properly fitted ear plugs when using this equipment.
3 Description
The main components for the minimal version from a respirator are as follows:
Helmet with cape attachment strap, suspension and adapted cape
Breathing air-hose (length: approx. 1000mm)
Breathing air-supply hose (length: 5m) with quick-fitting pipe union (female)
Air control valve with belt
4 Preparation
Please control respective prepare the following components:
(1) Adjust Helmet Suspen-
Trim helmet suspension by adjusting screw to your head and adjust
chin strap to correct length (see also 7.2).
(2) Check that the lens sys-
tem is in place.
Inner lens (Replacement see 8.1)
Outer lens (Replacement see 8.2)
Perforated cover lenses (Replacement see 8.2)
The respirator assembly must never be used without the fixed inner
lens, outer lens and the cover lenses!
(3) Air Supply Hose.
Use the quick fitting pipe union to attach the air supply hose to the air
control valve.