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Gel Staining and Viewing
The Multi Sub trays allow staining to be performed without removing the gel
from the tray if this is preferred.
1. Transfer the gel to a vessel containing the appropriate volume of 0.5 µg/ml
ethidium bromide stain for 15–30 minutes, see solutions for stock stain
concentration and adjust to the volume used accordingly. The entire gel
should be covered.
Ethidium bromide is a suspected carcinogen and the necessary safety
precautions should be taken.
2. De-stain the gel for 10–30 minutes in distilled water again ensuring the gel
is completely immersed.
3. Rinse the gel twice for a couple of seconds with distilled water.
4. Transfer the gel to a UV Transilluminator.
The samples will often appear as brighter, clearer bands when
photographed or viewed using a gel documentation system. However, if the
gel bands are too faint then the staining procedure should be adjusted so
that there is less de-staining. If there is too much background, then the
staining procedure should be adjusted so that there is more de-staining.
0.5M EDTA stock (500mL)
dissolve in 400 ml distilled water:
93.05g EDTA disodium salt
Fill to 500 ml litre final volume with distilled water
50X TAE stock (1L)
dissolve in 750 ml distilled water:
242 g tris base (FW = 121)
57.1 ml glacial acetic acid
100 ml 0.5 M EDTA (pH 8.0).
Fill to 1 litre final volume with distilled water