BLC Mode
BLC is used for backlight situation.
For backlight scene, SSA can automatically lower the
brightness of high brightness area and increase the
brightness of low brightness area according to the
environmental brightness, and try to make it clear to
see what is in the picture.
Default BLC: auto exposure according to scene.
Custom: select area to exposure, the objective is to
make appropriate brightness in selected area.
For the WDR scene, this function can lower the high
bright section and enhance the brightness of the low
bright section. So that you can view these two sections
clearly at the same time. The value ranges from 1 to
100. Default is 50.
When you switch the camera from no-WDR mode to
the WDR mode, system may lose several seconds
record video.
After you enabled HLC function, the device can lower
the brightness of the brightest section according to the
HLC control level. It can reduce the area of the halo
and lower the brightness of the whole video. The value
ranges from 0 to 100. The default value is 50 when
HLC is on.
It is to disable the BLC function. Please note this function is
disabled by default.
This threshold is mainly for multi-frame (at least 2) image
processing. It reduces noise with info between a frame and
previous frame. The higher the value, the better NR will be.
Default is enabled. NR level ranges from 0 to 100. The
recommended value to from 40 to 60. Default value is 50.
It can realize electronic anti-jitter function via algorithm of
comparing image difference, which has efficiently solved the
problem of image dithering during use and makes the picture
much clearer. Default is off.