3.3 Tour
Tour interface is shown in Figure 3-6.
Figure 3-6
Steps to tour are:
Step 1. In tour box, input tour path value.
Step 2. Click on Add. Range of tour relates to PTZ protocol.
Step 3. In preset box, input preset value.
Step 4. Click on Add as to add a preset in this tour. If click on Del, it deletes this preset in tour.
You can add more than one preset here, or delete more than one preset.
3.4 Pattern
Pattern interface is shown in Figure 3-7.
Figure 3-7
Steps to pattern are:
Step 1. In pattern box input pattern value, click on Add.
Step 2. Click on Start, to zoom, focus, iris or move.
Step 3. Click on Stop to finish setup of one pattern.