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C O L L A B O R A T E L I V E : U s e r G u i d e
The Firewall Network Settings contain your system's identification configuration on the local
NAT helps protect a LAN from exposure to unwanted traffic by providing one single external
address to remote users. NAT uses a system of local and external addresses to hide a LAN's
users from other networks. A NAT server translates local parties' addresses to an external
address, which is then used to identify the local party to remote parties. Therefore, remote
parties use this external address to call the local party, without knowing its actual local
To access Firewall/NAT Settings:
1. Select Settings>Advanced>Network.
2. In the Firewall window, set the following options and parameters:
NAT Mode
– Callers to the organization LAN are not identified.
– Enter your external IP Address. The NAT device maps this to your
internal extension number.
– The NAT device recognizes your IP Address and maps it to your
internal extension number when you dial out through your organization LAN.
NAT Address
– If your organization uses NAT when communicating with parties in
another LAN or WAN, type the external address for your videoconferencing device.