FiberFlex 2000
Installation Manual
Proprietary Information: Not for use or disclosure except by written agreement with Clearfield.
Bonding Cable Sheaths
The optical cable sheaths must be bonded as follows:
Bond the metallic sheaths of all optical cables to a grounding rod or system at their first appearance at the cabinet/
enclosure site (at the copper pedestal or splice case, and so forth). If this point is close enough to bond to the cabinet/
enclosure grounding system, bond to the same point on the main site ground bar (SPGP or equivalent) that the cross-
connect bonds to.
• Bond the metallic sheaths of all optical cables to a grounding rod or system at regular intervals along the entire run
external to the cabinet/enclosure site, per RUS guidelines.
Clearfield recommends that you bond optical fiber cable sheaths at the first entrance to the cabinet/enclosure site
only (the splice case, or similar), and then isolate the sheaths in the short run between splice point and the Clearfield
equipment cabinet/enclosure ground. The short run can then be bonded on either side (the Clearfield ground bar side or
splice point side, but not both) per local practice.