16 | Nord ElEctro 5 UsEr MaNUal os v1.X
5. MENUs
Global system and MIdI settings, as well as global settings
for the Piano, B3 and rotary sections are accessed respec-
tively through the sYstEM, MIdI and soUNd menu buttons.
Menu items are scrolled by using the MENU dial, and values
changed by turning the same dial while pressing sHIFt.
any changes made will automatically be stored until
changed again except for MIdI local control on/off which
will return to its default local on setting everytime the Nord
Electro 5 is powered on.
MEMorY ProtEct is set to on by default
when the NE5 leaves the factory to prevent
any accidental overwriting of original Programs.
set to off when you want to store Programs of
your own.
GloBal traNsPosE is 0 by default but could
be set to anywhere between -6 to +6 semi-
FINE tUNE is set to 0 cent 440Hz but could be
set to ±50 cent = 1 semitone.
sUstaIN PEdal is set to auto by default but
could also be set to closed and open depend-
ing on the polarity of your pedal. the pedal
type will automatically be determined when in
auto mode.
coNtrol PEdal tYPE gives you a range of
options corresponding to the most common
makes and models.
rotarY coNtrol can be set to any of the
three settings, open, closed and Half Moon
depending on how you want your switch pedal
to control the rotary Effect and whether you
are using a Half Moon switch.
rotarY PEdal can be set to either toggle or
Hold. If a pedal is used to control the rotor
speed, Hold mode will give you Fast speed
while the pedal is pressed down. In toggle
mode stepping on the pedal will switch be-
tween Fast and slow/stop Mode.
orGaN B3 trIG gives you the option of Fast
and slow trigger modes. In Fast mode notes
will be triggered earlier when pressing down on
a key. this menu option is not present on the
Nord Electro 5 HP model.
oUtPUt roUtING ModE lets you choose either
the default stereo option or the Partl : l, Par-
tU : r setting. In stereo mode Part lower and
Part Upper will be routed to both outputs, in
stereo. With Partl : l, PartU : r activated Part
lower is routed to the left output and Part
Upper to the right, both being in mono.
local coNtrol ModE can be set to either on
or off and will be on everytime the Nord Elec-
tro 5 is powered up. this setting determines
whether the keyboard and panel controls are
used to play back sounds and alter parameters
directly, or are sent only via MIdI.
cHaNNEl GloBal sets the channel the Nord
Electro 5 transmits and responds to. could be
set to 1–16, or off. default is 1.
cHaNNEl loWEr rEcEIvE determines the MIdI
channel which Part lower responds to. can be
set to 1-16 or off. default is off.
cHaNNEl UPPEr rEcEIvE sets the MIdI channel
which Part Upper responds to. can also be set
to 1-16 or off. default is off.
cHaNNEl UPPEr sPlIt sets the MIdI channel
used in MIdI Upper split mode. can be set to
1-16 or off. default is off.
coNtrol cHaNGE ModE determines how
the Nord Electro 5 handles MIdI cc (control
change) messages. Possible settings are off,
send, receive or send/receive.
ProGraM cHaNGE ModE affects how the
Nord Electro 5 handles Program change MIdI
messages. Possible settings are off, send,
receive or send/receive.
PIaNo strING rEs determines the sound level
of the Piano string resonance. range is from
-6dB to +6dB. default value is 0dB.
B3 toNEWHEEl ModE sets the amount of
tonewheel crosstalk and cable leakage for the
B3 Model between clean, vintage 1, vintage 2
or vintage 3. vintage 1 is default.
B3 KEY clIcK sets the amount of key click for
the B3 Model to low, Normal, High or Higher.
Normal is default.
B3 KEY BoUNcE turns the key bounce on or
off. When on the key off click is boosted if the
key is released quickly.
B3 PErc dB9 MUtE will in on mode mute the
9th drawbar when percussion is activated just
as with the original instrument but could also
be set to off.
B3 PErc dEcaY Fast sets the Fast decay time
of the B3 percussion to short, Medium or
long. Medium is default.
B3 PErc dEcaY sloW sets the slow decay
time of the B3 percussion to short, Medium or
long. Medium is default.
B3 PErc volUME NorMal sets the normal
percussion volume to low, Medium or High.
Medium is default.
B3 PErc volUME soFt sets the soft percus-
sion volume to low, Medium or High. Medium
is default.
rotarY sPEaKEr tYPE can be set to 122
or 122close, the latter being a close miked
version of the same speaker emulation. 122 is
rotarY BalaNcE sets the balance between
the bass rotor and treble horn 70/30, 60/40,
50/50, 40/60 and 30/70. default is 50/50.
rotarY HorN sPEEd could be set to low,
Normal or High. default is set to Medium.
rotarY HorN acc sets the acceleration and
retardation of the rotary bass horn to low,
Normal or High. default is set to Normal.
rotarY rotor sPEEd sets the speed of the
rotary bass horn to low, Normal or High. de-
fault is set to Normal.
rotarY rotor acc sets the acceleration and
retardation of the rotary treble horn to low,
Normal or High. default is set to Normal.
Summary of Contents for Nord Electro 5D 61
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