Although the default for the Main speakers (meaning Left and Right Front only) is set to “Large” you should carefully
think about what you want to accomplish and do some experimenting too. When the Front speakers, (including the
Center speaker, when one is present) are set to “Large” very little information is directed to the sub-woofer. In fact, the
only information directed to the sub-woofer is the LFE signal, (the
of the 5.1 specification), and many movies have
very little content at LFE level. Basically, the sub-woofer will only get signal during a big effect, such as during an
explosion. If you expect more low frequency information, and a lot of people do, then you may not want to say that the
front speakers are “Large.” When the speakers are set to “Small” all bass information below 80 Hz is sent to the sub-
woofer, including, of course, the LFE information.
Another method of insuring that you get all the bass information you expect is to first send the information for the Front
Right and Left speakers to one or two sub-woofers, and then through the sub-woofer cross-over to the Front Left and
Right speakers. Set up the
for “Large” speakers and adjust the sub-woofer cross-over settings to give you the
maximum amount of bass. (You will still require another sub-woofer for the LFE information).
All in all, though, the best setup for surround sound is the one which sounds best to you. Some big speakers which
have response below 50 Hz actually sound better when you limit the low frequency information they are getting.
A note about Stereo operation
These settings have no affect upon normal ANALOG BYPASS operation of the
when you are using it as a preamplifier. An analog signal destined for Stereo listening
does not travel through any DSPs. A two channel digital signal from a CD player is
decoded from digital to analog only, with no further processing.
However; if you decide to listen to “Stereo Surround”, or to add any effect to the signal, it
will be processed. (In STEREO mode, if the Front Left and Right speakers have been
designated as “small”, the signal will travel through the DSP and will be processed to send
the bass information (below 80 Hz) to the sub woofer).
So, with all of that said, we are still at the display reading: “Speaker setup- Main: Large.”
Pressing the “/\” or “\/” key will cycle you from “Large” to “Small” and back to “Large.” When you have decided which to
select press the “
” key to store the displayed setting in memory and move on to the setup for “Speaker setup –
Center – Large.” CENTER SPEAKER
The Center speaker offers you the same option as the Right and Left: Large and Small, with the addition of a third:
None. As with the front Left and right speakers, if you select “Small” all information below 80 Hz is redirected to the
“Large” speakers, or if all speakers are “small”, low frequency information is sent to the sub-woofer. If you select
“None” the SSP-25 will ‘construct’ a phantom center channel.
With the display reading “Speaker setup – Center; large” you must use the “/\” or “\/” key to select from the three
options. Though the default is ”Large”, we generally would recommend “small.” Very few of the Center speakers
available actually are able to provide significant output below 80 Hz. Once you’ve determined the correct choice press
the “
” key to move on to the next speaker option: “Speaker setup – Surround: large.” SURROUND SPEAKERS
The Surround speaker setting offers you the same options as Center: Large, none and small. You must consider the
same options as for the Left, Right and Center Front. If the speakers can produce low frequency output then set them
to “Large”, if not then “Small.” When the surround speakers are defined as “Small” any low frequency information
destined for them will be redirected to the sub-woofer. If you select none, the information will be re-routed to the front
main speakers.
With the display reading “Speaker setup – Surround; large” you must use the “/\” or “\/” key to select from the three
options. Though the default is ”Large”, we generally would recommend “small.” Very few of the Surround speakers