13 Output Opt.
Format: It is the defined format in the system. User need not specify total digit
and the information position.
There are 4 definition formats by default in the system: Wiegand 26 with site
code, Wiegand 34 with site code, Wiegand 26 without site cod and Wiegand 34
without site code. Wiegand26 with site code means W26 format output with
device ID. Wiegand26 without site code means W26 format output without site
code. If there is no site code, then the signal not to be output does not contain
the information. If there is site code, the output is the set site code (similar to
device ID. But this code is specified by the user and different devices can be
repeated, with range of 0-255.
Failed ID: It is the failed ID after unsuccessful verification. “Close” means not to
output it.(with range of 0-65534)
Site code: Similar to device ID. But the code is specified by user. Different
device can be repeated. (With range of 0-255)
Pulse width: Pulse width is 100 microseconds by default, which can be adjusted
from 20 to 800.
Pulse interval: It is 900 microseconds by default, which can adjusted between
200 and 20000.
Output content: Content contained in Wiegand output signal, including User ID
or card number.