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ChargePoint Installation Details Form
This form needs to be completed and returned to CityEV if it is required to include the
charge point in the CityEV central charge point online monitoring system.
If the charge point has been installed under the OLEV Workplace Charging Scheme, central
monitoring is an
OLEV mandatory
The Cityline EVline 100 Smart charge point as supplied is not configured to use the back office
First follow the instructions on pages 3 & 4 of this manual to enable back office
communications on the charge point.
Next fill out and return this form to CityEV for the process to be completed.
Charge point ID
Name of Owner
Installation Address Including Postcode
Billing Address
Date of installation
Charge point power
Installer Name & Address
Return this form to CityEV Ltd
By email:
By post:
CityEV Ltd, Burnt Thorns, Kilsby Lane, Rugby. CV21 4PN
By Fax:
01788 511078