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Ret rieving Resource Det ails and St at ist ics
Ret rieving Resource Det ails and St at ist ics
NetScaler SDX resource details can be retrieved as follows:
To retrieve details of a specific resource on the NetScaler SDX appliance, specify the id of the resource in the URL.
To retrieve the properties of resources on the basis of some filter, specify the filter conditions in the URL.
The URL has the form:
If your request is likely to result in a large number of resources returned from the appliance, you can retrieve these results
in chunks by dividing them into "pages" and retrieving them page by page.
For example, assume that you want to retrieve all NetScaler instances on a NetScaler SDX that has 53 of them. Instead
of retrieving all 53 in one big response, you can configure the results to be divided into pages of 10 NetScaler instances
each (6 pages total), and retrieve them from the server page by page.
You specify the page count with the
query string parameter and use the
query string parameter to
specify the page number that you want to retrieve.
The URL has the form:
You do not have to retrieve all the pages, or retrieve the pages in order. Each request is independent, and you can even
change the pagesize setting between requests.