Read-write Community
Enter a read-write community name to be used for SNMP set requests. The valid range
is from 1 to 256 alphanumeric and special characters. Setting a community name is similar to setting a password.
Only the requests from the machines that identify themselves with this community name are accepted.
Management Station
Determines which stations can access the WAP device through SNMP. Choose one of
these options:
All stations can access the WAP device through SNMP.
User Defined
The set of user defined SNMP requests that are permitted.
NMS IPv4 Address/Name
Enter the IPv4 IP address, DNS host name, or subnet of the network management
system (NMS).
A DNS host name can consist of one or more labels, which are sets of up to 63 alphanumeric characters. If a host
name includes multiple labels, each is separated by a period (.). The entire series of labels and periods can be up
to 253 characters long.
As with community names, this setting provides a level of security on the SNMP settings. The SNMP agent only
accepts the requests from the IP address, host name, or subnet specified here.
To specify a subnet, enter one or more subnetwork address ranges in the form address/mask length where the
address is an IP address and mask length is the number of mask bits. Both formats address/mask and address/mask
length are supported. For example, if you enter a range of, this specifies a subnetwork with address and a subnet mask of
NMS IPv6 Address/Name
The IPv6 address, DNS host name, or subnet of the devices that can execute, get,
and set requests to the managed devices. The IPv6 address should be in a form similar to
xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx (2001:DB8:CAD5:7D91).
A host name can consist of one or more labels, which are sets of up to 63 alphanumeric characters. If a host
name includes multiple labels, each is separated by a period (.). The entire series of labels and periods can be
up to 253 characters long.
Step 5
In the SNMPv2c Trap Settings area, configure the SNMPv2c trap settings:
Trap Community
Enter a global community string associated with SNMP traps. Traps sent from the device
provide this string as a community name. The valid range is from 1 to 60 alphanumeric and special characters.
Trap Destination Table
Enter a list of up to three IP addresses or host names to receive the SNMP traps. Check
the box and choose a Host IP Address Type (IPv4 or IPv6) before adding the Hostname/IP Address.
An example of a DNS host name is snmptraps.foo.com. Because the SNMP traps are sent randomly from the SNMP
agent, it makes sense to specify where exactly the traps should be sent. You can have a maximum of three DNS
host names. Ensure that you check
and select the appropriate Host IP Address Type.
Step 6
SNMPv3 Views
An SNMP MIB view is a family of view subtrees in the MIB hierarchy. A view subtree is identified by the
pairing of an Object Identifier (OID) subtree value with a bit string mask value. Each MIB view is defined
Cisco WAP125 Wireless-AC/N Dual Band Desktop Access Point with PoE
System Configuration
SNMPv3 Views