Automatically Acquiring the Time Settings through NTP
To automatically acquire the time settings from a NTP server, follow these steps:
Step 1
System Configuration > Time
Step 2
In the System Clock Source area, click
Network Time Protocol (NTP)
Step 3
Configure the following parameters:
NTP Server (1 through 4)/IPv4/IPv6 Address/Name
Specify the IPv4 address, IPv6 address, or host name
of a NTP server. A default NTP server is listed.
A host name can consist of one or more labels, which are sets of up to 63 alphanumeric characters. If a host name
includes multiple labels, each is separated by a period (.). The entire series of labels and periods can be up to 253
characters long.
Time Zone
Select the time zone for your location.
Adjust for Daylight Saving Time
Check to enable and configure the following fields:
Select the week, day, month, and time when the Daylight Savings time starts.
Select the week, day, month, and time when the Daylight Savings time ends.
Daylight Saving Offset
Specify the number of minutes to move the clock forward when Daylight Savings
Time begins and backward when it ends.
Step 4
. The changes are saved to the Startup Configuration.
Manually Configuring the Time Settings
To manually configure the time settings:
Step 1
System Configuration > Time
Step 2
In the System Clock Source area, choose
Step 3
Sync Time with PC
to clone the system time settings from your local PC.
Step 4
You can also configure the following fields:
System Date
Select the current month, day, and year date from the drop-down lists.
System Time
Select the current hour and minutes in 24-hour clock format.
Time Zone
Select the time zone for your location.
Adjust for Daylight Saving Time
If daylight savings time is applicable to your time zone, check this option
and configure the following fields:
Cisco WAP125 Wireless-AC/N Dual Band Desktop Access Point with PoE
System Configuration
Automatically Acquiring the Time Settings through NTP