Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Web Conferencing Release 6.x
Chapter 4 Installing Web Conferencing in a Load Balancing Configuration
About Installing Web Conferencing in a Load Balancing Configuration
Web Conferencing Load Balancing and Failover Capability
Each Web Conferencing server comprises two separate load balancing components, known as the origin
server and edge server. Meetings are hosted on the origin server. Participants connect to the edge server
when joining a meeting. These components interact to provide load balancing and failover capability as
When a meeting starts, the Web Conferencing server assigns a primary and backup origin server to
the meeting room based on current active meeting load.
As participants join the meeting, they are load balanced across the edge servers in the cluster based
on the number of participants currently connected to each edge server at that time. The edge server
internally makes a connection to the origin server that is hosting the meeting.
Each client is given the primary edge/origin and backup edge/origin information by the server when
the meeting room is launched. No configuration is needed on the clients.
Figure 4-4
shows an example load balancing topology with a cluster of Web Conferencing servers.
Meetings are spread across the three origin servers in the cluster based on the current meeting load on
each. Participants are spread across the three edge servers based on the participant load on each. Note
that participants are not necessarily connected to the edge server on the machine hosting the meeting
they are attending.
Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Audio
Server system.
Cluster of web servers—This can be an internal
cluster or an external cluster.
SQL Server—All web servers in a cluster
must connect to the same SQL Server.
Single web server—This can be an internal or
external web server.
SQL Server—The single web server must
connect to a separate SQL Server.