Captive Portal
Web Portal Customization
Cisco Small Business WAP551 and WAP561 Wireless-N Access Point
Content—The instructive text that shows in the page body below the user name and
password text boxes. The range is from 1 to 256 characters. The default is To start using
this service, enter your credentials and click the connect button.
Acceptance Use Policy—The text that appears in the Acceptance Use Policy box. The
range is from 1 to 4096 characters. The default is Acceptance Use Policy.
Accept Label—The text that instructs users to select the check box to acknowledge
reading and accepting the Acceptance Use Policy. The range is from 1 to 128 characters.
The default is Check here to indicate that you have read and accepted the Acceptance
Use Policy.
No Accept Text—The text that shows in a pop-up window when a user submits login
credentials without selecting the Acceptance Use Policy check box. The range is from
1 to 128 characters. The default is Error: You must acknowledge the Acceptance Use
Policy before connecting!
Work In Progress Text—The text that shows during authentication. The range is from 1
to 128 characters. The default is Connecting, please be patient....
Denied Text—The text that shows when a user fails authentication. The range is from 1
to 128 characters. The default is Error Invalid Credentials, please try again!
Welcome Title—The text that shows when the client has authenticated to the VAP. The
range is from 1 to 128 characters. The default is Congratulations!
Welcome Content—The text that shows when the client has connected to the network.
The range is from 1 to 256 characters. The default is You are now authorized and
connected to the network.
Delete Locale—Deletes the current locale.
Click Save. Your changes are saved to the Startup Configuration.
Click Preview to view the updated page.
You can click Preview to show the text and images that have already been saved to the Startup
Configuration. If you make a change, click Save before clicking Preview to see your changes.