Cisco SFS 7000 Series Product Family Command Reference Guide
Chapter 3 Fibre Channel Commands
fc srp itl
When an ITL entry is created, the gateway-portmask-policy setting is independent of its IT entry. You
may change the setting on a per ITL basis. However, a port is accessible for an ITL only when the port
is accessible for both the IT and ITL entries.
The port list specified in this command creates an accumulative effect to the actual
gateway-portmask-policy. For example, if your current mask is 2/1 and 2/2, after you enter the config fc
srp itl gateway-portmask-policy restricted 2/1 command, the result of the mask for this ITL would be
2/2. The same effect applies to the no-command for gateway-portmask-policy.
We recommend that you create ITLs with the discover-itl keyword in the CLI or the Discover LUNs
button in Element Manager.
This example denies the initiator access to port 1 of Fibre Channel interface card 6 for this ITL:
fc srp itl 00:00:2c:90:01:1b:b7:40 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00
21:00:00:04:cf:75:6b:3b 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 gateway-portmask-policy restricted 6/1
Table 3-1
fc srp itl Command Usage Examples
fc srp itl guid extension wwpn LUN srp-lunid
lunid logical-id logical-id
Creates an SRP LUN ID alias for an existing FC
no fc srp itl guid extension wwpn LUN
Deletes an ITL entry from the ITL table.
fc srp itl guid extension wwpn LUN
description “descr”
Assigns a text description to the ITL.
no fc srp itl guid extension wwpn LUN
Resets the description of the ITL to an empty string.
fc srp itl guid extension wwpn LUN
gateway-portmask-policy restricted
Denies the ITL access to the ports that you specify
with the port-selection variable.
fc srp itl guid extension wwpn LUN
gateway-portmask-policy default
Applies the current IT gateway-portmask-policy
configuration to the ITL The whole port list is
copied from the IT entry to the ITL entry. You
configure the default access with the fc srp-global
gateway-portmask-policy restricted
no fc srp itl guid extension wwpn LUN
gateway-portmask-policy restricted
Grants the ITL access to the ports that you specify
with the port-selection variable.
Default: An ITL entry inherits its
gateway-portmask-policy configuration from its IT
entry at entry creation time.
fc srp itl guid extension wwpn LUN lun-policy
Denies the initiator access to the storage.
no fc srp itl guid extension wwpn LUN
lun-policy restricted
Grants the initiator access to the storage.
fc srp itl guid extension wwpn LUN lun-policy
Resets the LUN-policy to the global default. Set the
default with the fc srp-global lun-policy
restricted command.