You must also ensure that the circuit used for the switch is dedicated to the switch to minimize the possibility
of circuit failure.
When you know the amount of power that is required for operations (available power) and redundancy (reserve
power), you can plan for the required number of input power receptacles with reach of the switch location.
Step 1
Determine the power requirement for the switch by summing the maximum wattage for each installed module
(see the following table).
Table 1: Power Requirements for the Cisco Nexus 7718 Switch Modules
1 or 2
type if
using 2)
Supervisor Modules
137 W
265 W
Supervisor 2 Enhanced (N77-SUP2E)
1 to 16
F2 I/O Modules
451 W
500 W
48-port 1- and 10-Gigabit Ethernet I/O module (N77-F248XP-23E)
F3 I/O Modules
450 W
480 W
48-port 1- and 10-Gigabit Ethernet I/O module (N77-F348XP-23)
650 W
740 W
24-port 40-Gigabit Ethernet I/O module (N77-F324FQ-25)
640 W
730 W
12-port 100-Gigabit Ethernet I/O module (N77-F312CK-26)
M3 I/O Modules
500 W
560 W
48-port 1- and 10-Gigabit Ethernet I/O module (N77-M348XP-23L)
700 W
750 W
24-port 40-Gigabit Ethernet I/O module (N77-M324FQ-25L)
800 W
1095 W
12-port 100-Gigabit Ethernet I/O module (N77-M312CQ-26L)
102 W
300 W
3 to 6
Fabric Modules (N77-C7718-FAB-2)
Fan Trays
51 W
900 W
38 mm Gen 1 Fan Tray (N77-C7718-FAN)
51 W
900 W
76 mm Gen 2 Fan Tray (N77-C7718-FAN-2)
Cisco Nexus 7718 Switch Site Preparation and Hardware Installation Guide
Preparing the Site
Planning for Power Requirements