A pending configuration is created by copying the active configuration. Subsequent modifications are
made to the pending configuration and remain there until you commit the changes to the active
configuration (and other switches in the fabric) or discard them.
Committing Changes
You can commit pending domain configuration changes and release the lock.
To apply the pending domain configuration changes to other SAN switches in the VSAN, you must commit
the changes. The pending configuration changes are distributed and, on a successful commit, the configuration
changes are applied to the active configuration in the SAN switches throughout the VSAN and the fabric lock
is released.
Command or Action
Enters global configuration mode.
configure terminal
switch# configure terminal
Step 1
Commits the pending domain
configuration changes.
fcdomain commit vsan vsan-id
switch(config)# fcdomain commit vsan 45
Step 2
Discarding Changes
You can discard pending domain configuration changes and release the lock.
At any time, you can discard the pending changes to the domain configuration and release the fabric lock. If
you discard (abort) the pending changes, the configuration remains unaffected and the lock is released.
Command or Action
Enters global configuration mode.
configure terminal
switch# configure terminal
Step 1
Discards the pending domain
configuration changes.
fcdomain abort vsan vsan-id
switch(config)# fcdomain abort vsan 30
Step 2
Cisco Nexus 5500 Series NX-OS SAN Switching Configuration Guide, Release 7.x
Configuring Fibre Channel Domain Parameters
Domain IDs