Appendix A: Troubleshooting
Frequently Asked Questions
ADSL2+ Gateway with VoIP
Does the LAN connection of the Gateway support 100Mbps Ethernet?
The Gateway supports 100Mbps over the auto-sensing Fast Ethernet 10/100 switch on the LAN side of the
Does the Gateway support ICQ send file?
Yes, with the following fix: click
ICQ menu
tab>, and check
I am behind a
firewall or proxy
. Then set the firewall time-out to 80 seconds in the firewall setting. The Internet user can then
send a file to a user behind the Gateway.
I set up an Unreal Tournament Server, but others on the LAN cannot join. What do I need to do?
If you have a dedicated Unreal Tournament server running, you need to create a static IP for each of the LAN
computers and forward ports 7777, 7778, 7779, 7780, 7781, and 27900 to the IP address of the server. You can
also use a port forwarding range of 7777 to 27900. If you want to use the UT Server Admin, forward another port
(8080 usually works well but is used for remote admin. You may have to disable this.), and then in the
[UWeb.WebServer] section of the server.ini file, set the ListenPort to 8080 (to match the mapped port above) and
ServerName to the IP assigned to the Gateway from your ISP.
Can multiple gamers on the LAN get on one game server and play simultaneously with just one public IP
It depends on which network game or what kind of game server you are using. For example, Unreal Tournament
supports multi-login with one public IP.
How will I be notified of new Gateway firmware upgrades?
All Linksys firmware upgrades are posted on the Linksys international website at www.linksys.com/international,
where they can be downloaded for free. To upgrade the Gateway’s firmware, use the Administration tab of the
Gateway’s web-based utility. If the Gateway’s Internet connection is working well, there is no need to download a
newer firmware version, unless that version contains new features that you would like to use.
Does the Gateway pass PPTP packets or actively route PPTP sessions?
The Gateway allows PPTP packets to pass through.
How many ports can be simultaneously forwarded?
Theoretically, the Gateway can establish 520 sessions at the same time, but you can only forward 10 ranges of
What is the maximum number of VPN sessions allowed by the Gateway?
The maximum number depends on many factors. At least one IPSec session will work through the Gateway;
however, simultaneous IPSec sessions may be possible, depending on the specifics of your VPNs.