Chapter 4: Connecting the ADSL2+ Gateway with VoIP
ADSL2+ Gateway with VoIP
Chapter 4: Connecting the ADSL2+ Gateway with VoIP
The installation technician from your ISP should have left the setup information for the modem with you after
installing your broadband connection. If not, you can call your ISP to request that data.
After you have the setup information you need for your specific type of Internet connection, you can begin
installation and setup of the Gateway. Continue to “Connecting the Gateway to a Computer.”
Connecting the Gateway to a Computer
1. Make sure that all of your network’s hardware is powered off, including the Gateway and all computers.
2. Connect a phone cable from the DSL port on the Gateway’s back panel to the wall jack of the ADSL line. A
small device called a microfilter (not included) may be necessary between each phone and wall jack to
prevent interference. Contact your ISP if you have any questions.
3. Connect another phone cable from the Line port on the Gateway’s back panel to the Voice connection on the
DSL microfilter or wall jack.
Figure 4-1: Connect the ADSL Line
For countries that have phone jacks with RJ-11 connectors, make sure to only place
the microfilters between the phone and the wall jack and
between the Gateway and the wall
jack or your ADSL will not connect.
For countries that do
have phone jacks with RJ-11 connectors (e.g. France, Sweden,
Switzerland, United Kingdom, etc.), except for ISDN users, the microfilter has to be used between
the Gateway and the wall jack, because the microfilter will have the RJ-11 connector.
Annex B users (E1 and DE versions of the Gateway) must use the included special cable to connect
the Gateway to the wall jack (RJ-45 to RJ-12). If you require splitters or special jacks, please
contact your service provider.
A small device called a microfilter (not included) may be necessary between each phone
and wall jack to prevent interference. Contact your ISP if you have any questions.
Figure 4-2: Connect the Voice Line