Cisco Digital Media System 3.5 Appliance Administration Guide
Chapter 3 Installing and Configuring the Cisco Digital Media Manager 3.5 Appliance
Step 27
You can now login using the AAI by using the admin username and new password, or to the pwadmin
AAI by using the pwadmin username and new password.
Configuring the Cisco Digital Media Manager (DMM) 3.5
Before you begin to install and configure the Digital Media Manager (DMM) 3.5 Server Appliance, you
will need the following information:
Gather Video Portal information:
Login to the Video Portal AAI using the username admin.
Take note of the Video Portal IP Address displayed on the home page.
Take note of the Video Portal instance name displayed on the home page.
Gather Digital Media Manager information:
Login to the Digital Media Manager AAI using the username admin.
Take note of the Digital Media Manager URL displayed on the home page.