Cisco 3200 Series Router Hardware Reference
Introduction to the Cisco 3200 Series Routers
The Cisco 3200 Series routers provides industry-standard network software features that run on
ruggedized hardware, suitable for harsh environments. A router includes a combination of mobile
interface cards and a Cisco 3200 Rugged Enclosure. The following major components are available from
Cisco 3200 Rugged Enclosures
Cisco 3270 Rugged Router card
Mobile Access Router Card (MARC)
Fast Ethernet Switch Mobile Interface Cards (FESMICs)
Serial Mobile Interface Cards (SMICs)
Wireless Mobile Interface Cards (WMICs)
This document describes the Cisco cards and the enclosure solutions that are used to assemble
Cisco 3200 Series routers. A router can be purchased as a complete unit or purchased in part from Cisco
and assembled by a qualified system integrator (SI) as a custom solution. For example, a qualified SI
might assemble cards into a custom enclosure to suit a particular environment. Custom solutions based
on Cisco cards must include a power source, cables, and an enclosure. For information about the specific
hardware configuration of your router, contact your SI.
The following chapters provide information that you need for understanding the physical components of
a completed Cisco 3200 Series router. This document is not intended to cover assembly or repair
Chapter 1, “Cisco 3270 Rugged Enclosure,”
describes the enclosures that house the Cisco 3200 Series
Chapter 2, “Cisco 3270 Rugged Router Card,”
describes the Cisco 3270 Rugged Router card layout.
Chapter 3, “Mobile Access Router Card,”
describes the MARC layout.
Chapter 4, “Fast Ethernet Switch Mobile Interface Card,”
describes the FESMIC layout, ports, and
Chapter 5, “Serial Mobile Interface Card,”
describes the SMIC layout, ports, and buses.
Chapter 6, “Wireless Mobile Interface Cards,”
describes the WMIC layout, ports, and buses.
Appendix A, “Smart Serial Port External Seal,”
describes how to seal the Smart Serial port.
Appendix B, “SFP Module Replacement,”
describes how to install and remove small form-factor
pluggable (SFP) modules on the Cisco 3270 Rugged Router card.