Cisco 3200 Series Router Hardware Reference
Chapter 3 Mobile Access Router Card
Console and Auxiliary Signals
You can configure the console interface by using Cisco IOS command line interface (CLI) commands.
The console interface and the AUX port can be accessed simultaneously. Also, the console port and the
AUX port can be accessed simultaneously. For example, you can connect a terminal to the console
interface and an external modem or a GPS modem to the AUX port.
The console port signals are provided through the multifunction header:
Asynchronous serial DCE
1.2-kbps, 2.4-kbps, 4.8-kbps, 9.6-kbps, 19.2-kbps, 38.4-kbps, 57.6-kbps, and 115.2-kbps baud rates
Support full modem control DTR, DSR, RTS, and CTS signals
The AUX port is a serial asynchronous port that works at speeds of 1.2 kbps, 2.4 kbps, 4.8 kbps,
9.6 kbps, 19.2 kbps, 38.4 kbps, 57.6 kbps, and 115.2 kbps.
The AUX port supports the following:
Asynchronous serial DTE
Baud rates range from 1,200 to 115,000
5 to 8 data bits
1, 1.5, or 2 stop bits
Odd, even, or no parity
Flow control by using RTS, CTS, DTR, and CDC signals
When zeroization is enabled, it is activated through the polling of pin 25 on the AUX port.
A +5-V power supply is provided for a device connected to an AUX port. Typically the +5-V power
supply current to GPS modems should be limited to less than 200 mA.