Cisco 7206 Installation and Configuration Guide
Chapter 1 Product Overview
Field-Replaceable Units
Field-Replaceable Units
The Cisco 7206 router is easy to service; all its major components are field replaceable units (FRUs).
The following sections describe Cisco 7206 FRUs:
Network Processing Engine, page 1-7
Input/Output Controller, page 1-14
LED Descriptions, page 1-18
Port Adapters and Service Adapters, page 1-24
Power Supplies, page 1-24
Chassis, page 1-26
Flash Disks and Flash Memory Cards, page 1-27
Rack-Mount and Cable-Management Kit, page 1-28
Instructions for removing and replacing FRUs are contained in separate documents. For example, if you
need to replace the network processing engine (NPE) in your Cisco 7206 router, refer to the Network
Processing Engine and Network Services Engine Installation and Configuration document that
accompanies every NPE shipped from the factory as a FRU. The document is available on Cisco.com
For ordering information, contact a customer service representative.
Network Processing Engine
The network processing engine maintains and executes the system management functions for the
Cisco 7206 router. The network processing engine also shares the system memory and environmental
monitoring functions with the I/O controller.
Detailed instructions for removing and replacing the network processing engine are contained in the
document Network Processing Engine and Network Services Engine Installation and Configuration
document which is available on Cisco.com.
Cisco 7206 routers support five versions of the network processing engine: NPE-100, NPE-150,
NPE-175, NPE-200, and NPE-225. These network processing engines have the same functionality;
however, the performance differs because of the microprocessor type and the type of memory for packet
data (SRAM and DRAM, or SDRAM) each network processing engine provides.
The NPE-175 and NPE-225 consist of two modular boards: the processor engine board and the network
controller board. SRAM is not included in the NPE-175 or NPE-225.
The NPE-100, although still supported, is no longer an orderable product as of May 1999.
The Cisco 7206 as a router shelf in a Cisco AS5800 Universal Access Server only supports the NPE-200.
The network processing engines consist of the following components: