Chapter 2 Overview
Front-Panel Description
Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Hardware Installation Guide
Cisco-approved CWDM GBIC modules have a serial EEPROM that contains the
module serial number, the vendor name and ID, a unique security code, and cyclic
redundancy check (CRC). When a GBIC module is inserted in the switch, the
switch software reads the EEPROM to check the serial number, vendor name, and
vendor ID and recomputes the security code and CRC. If the serial number, the
vendor name or ID, security code, or CRC is invalid, the switch places the
interface in an error-disabled state.
If you are using a non-Cisco approved CWDM GBIC module, remove the module
from the switch, and replace it with a Cisco-approved module.
For more information about these GBIC modules, refer to your GBIC module
SFP Module Slots
On the Catalyst 2950 LRE switch, the SFP module slots support the SFP modules
listed in the Catalyst 2950 LRE switch release notes.
The Catalyst 2950 LRE switch has four physical input ports that are logically
bundled as two ports. Each logical port consists of a copper 10/100/1000 port and
a fiber-optic SFP module slot. These ports appear as a vertical column on the front
panel and are labeled Uplink Port 1 and Uplink Port 2.
Within each port, you can use only one of the two physical ports, either the SFP
module port or the 10/100/1000 port. For example, you can connect to either the
SFP module port or the 10/100/1000 port on Uplink Port 1. If you connect to both,
in default operation, the SFP module port has priority over the 10/100/1000 port.
Using this example, a valid configuration would be connecting to the fiber-optic
port on Uplink Port 1 and the copper port on Uplink Port 2.