Instruction Manual
Tariff periods� Type of day
A tariff period refers to each time block during which a specific tariff is applied. For the regulated mar-
ket and ATR, these periods are defined annually by the government. There may also be other periods
agreed on a contractual basis between a Customer and the Marketer. There will be a minimum of one
time block and a maximum of six. Each period is identified with an increasing number, starting with 1.
Type of day
The type of day refers to the set of tariff periods allocated to each of the 24 hours in a day.
Each type of day is identified using a number starting with 1 and increasing by one for successive types.
Working days and holidays have a type of day associated with them for each season. Every special day
has a type of day associated with it.
Each tariff period has an associated power, which corresponds to the value of the power contracted
in each period. It forms the calculation basis for billing the excess power demanded from the mains.
If this parameter is not defined for any tariff period, this will be taken to mean that there is no power
contracted by period, meaning the excess power will not be calculated. If the power is defined for at
least one tariff period, the remaining periods for which it is not defined will be assumed to have a zero
power defined, meaning the excess power will be calculated based on all the periods.
The billing period is closed when, at a given time, the following values are stored in a memory register:
Values indicated by the energy totalizers at a given time. (absolute reading)
Energy values measured from the previous close or from the start-up of the meter, if it is the first
close. (incremental reading)
The measurements and calculations to be stored are as follows:
Absolute and incremental values of active energy.
Absolute and incremental values of inductive and capacitive reactive energy.
Calculation of the 15-minute maximum average active power.
Calculation of excess power.
The closings are based on the total measurements and all the tariff periods of the active contracts.
Each closing has a date and time associated with it. A minimum parameterisable time, expressed in
minutes, must elapse between two consecutive closings. By default, this time is 10 minutes.
The meter – analyser keeps a record of the last 12 closings of each of the contracts that it has, ar-
ranged chronologically from most recent to oldest.
The types of closings are:
Immediate closing�
Closing that is done at any time by way of a manual command using a button
or a communications message. The power values used are those recorded through the end of the
15-minute integration period immediately prior to when the command is given. The energy values