Add New Accessories to the Hub
Remote control, Door sensor and other accessories.
Enter the Smart Hub page and tap. Then, tap “+” and trigger the accessory to add it
to the hub.
Separate the
transmitter from
the magnet
Press any button
on the remote
Please note that pressing the tamper switch instead of triggering the sensor will
register it as a 24-Hour Zone sensor.
Edit Accessories
Tap the accessory to enter its setting page where you can rename the device or set
the device type and zone mode.
Turn off the switch to disable the accessory.
Zone Mode
Arm Zone
Sensors set to Armed Zone are activated when the system is in Away (Full Arm) or
Home Arm (Part Arm) status. We recommend setting window/door sensors to this
zone as they usually secure the perimeter of the house.
Home Zone
Sensors set to Home Zone are only activated when the system is in Away (Full
Arm) status. During Home Arm mode, these sensors can not activate the alarm on
triggered. We recommend setting PIR motion sensors to this zone as they usually
secure the interior of the house.
24-Hour Zone
Sensors set to 24-Hour Zone will activate the alarm when triggered, regardless of
the alarm status at the time (away or disarmed).
Delay Zone
Sensors set to Delay Zone will work similarly to Armed Zone sensors. However,
these sensors will only activate the alarm after a set alarm delay time* when
* Entry Delay Time: you can set this delay time on OV-300 [Settings]-[Delay
Settings]-[Entry Delay].
Optional Smoke, Gas Leakage or Water Flood Sensors are automatically registered as
24-Hour Zone Sensors and cannot be changed to other Zone. Any Motion or Door/ Window
Sensor paired to the Hub by pressing the Tamper Switch will also register as a 24-Hour Zone