Device Management
You can check all your own devices in this section and share your own device(s) to
others without adding them to your home. Tap the device then tap [+] to share it to
other registered accounts. You can also delete the shared account if you don’t want
people to have continuous access to the device you shared.
The account who receives the shared device(s) is of user access of the device. That
is, he/she is able to control the device, edit the name of the device and receive
alerts; re-sharing the device(s) to other users or changing the settings are not
Message Center
Here you can check hub’s arm/disarm and triggered events.
Here you can check all system notifications, like firmware update, remote/different
smart phone login alert or device sharing invitation etc.
FAQ & Feedback
Tap to find questions and answers to the products and application. Feel free to send
us feedback on the product or the service.
App Notification
You can enable app notifications. App notification includes alert and bulletin
information. App notification includes alert and bulletin information, you can
enable push notification all together or of individual devices.