A weak WiFi signal can seriously affect the performance of this alarm system.
Please make sure that the hub is located as close as possible to the main router for
optimal connectivity.
Please place this unit away from load-bearing walls and operating home appliances
Elevate this unit and your modem or router away from the ground to ensure the
best possible connectivity.
Door/ Window Contact :
Step 1:
To power up the contact,
remove the battery tab
Step 2:
Attach the adhesive pads to the
back of the transmitter and magnet
Step 3:
Place the contact on the door/window frame and the magnet on the door/
window ensuring that the distance between them is not greater than 1cm when the
door/window is shut.
Horizontal orientation
Vertical orientation
Parallel to the wall
Replacing Accessory Batteries
Remote Control
Remove the screw
Open the casing
Door/Window Contact
Open the casing