5. To focus the top boresight guide, adjust the blue boresight screw (I in the image below).
Adjust the screw 1/4 turn. If you get to the end, further unlock the corresponding stabilization
6. To focus the right boresight guide, adjust the green boresight screw (III in the image in step
7. To focus the left boresight guide, adjust the yellow boresight screw (II in the image in step 5).
8. To continue to refine the focus, repeat steps 5 to 7.
9. Before adjusting the stabilization screws, close the shutter.
10. To maintain the adjustments, lock the stabilization screws.
When locking the screws, start with the bottom stabilization screw and turn it so it just touches
the base. Repeat for the other two stabilization screws. Continue to adjust the locking screws
until they are tight.
11. Open the shutter.
Installation and setup
Christie M RGB Series Installation and Setup Guide
020-103483-04 Rev. 1 (04-2022)
2022 Christie Digital Systems USA, Inc. All rights reserved.