Service setup
H Series Service Manual
020-000802-03 Rev. 1 (12-2016)
PC mode
When entering into a functional test, adjust the zoom and focus to optimize the image before
• D12HD-H: Analog 1920 x 1080 @60Hz
• D12WU-H: Analog 1920 x 1200 @60Hz
Frequency and tracking boundary
Adjusting the frequency and tracking boundary
To preform the frequency and tracking boundary adjustment, complete the steps below.
1. If the image is not sharp, re-adjust using the following steps:
a. Select Menu > Size & Position > Size Presets > Full Size.
b. Select Menu > Input Switching & PIP > Timing Detection Mode > OFF.
c. Select Menu > Size & Position > Pixel Track.
d. Use the right and left arrow keys to minimize video flicker.
2. Select Menu > Size & Position.
3. Adjust Horz Position and Vert Position to the inner screen.
Warning! Failure to comply with the following could result in death or serious injury.
• Do not stare into beam when the projector is on. The bright light may result in permanent
eye damage.
Test equipment
Video generator
Test signal
D12HD-H: Analog 1920 x 1080 @60Hz
D12WU-H: Analog 1920 x 1200 @60Hz
Test pattern
General-1 or Master
Inspection items
Eliminate visual wavy noise by adjusting the Resync Frequency or Tracking.
• Check if noise is on the screen.
• Adjust the horizontal and vertical position of the video to fit the screen frame.
• If noise is on the screen, press Menu > Size & Position > Pixel Phase to
adjust the phase.
• PC mode should include supported formats with frequency and auto detection.