6 : M e c h a n i c a l a n d E l e c t r o n i c A d j u s t m e n t s
35/70 Service/PM Manual
March, 1997
Pulldown Gain Adjustment
This adjustment is factory-set. This setup procedure should be performed only if
VR1 is known to be out of adjustment.
After powering up the projector and putting it into READY mode, enter the
(<H>,<C>) command and note the gain value indicated by the two rightmost digits.
Run the projector in CINE FORWARD mode and adjust VR1 until the gain value is equal to the value noted in step
(1). Note that this adjustment does not have to be precise in order for the projector to operate correctly.
Enter the
(<G>,<1>) command to return the display to normal.
Film Gate Adjustments
P u l l d o w n S p r o c k e t I n – O u t A d j u s t m e n t
The adjustment of the pulldown sprocket has been preset during manufacturing. Slip the sprocket onto the shaft until it
seats onto the Pulldown Encoder disc. The outer edge of the sprocket will be adjusted to within ±0.003 inches (±0.01
mm) from the outer edge of the rail on the fixed film gate.
M o v a b l e G a t e S t o p A d j u s t m e n t
The gate stop can be moved in or out by first back-threading the ¼-20 socket cap screw, then adjusting the stop limit set
screws for the desired gap. Verify that, when the adjustment is complete, the film is not being pinched in the gate, and the
¼-20 screw is tight.
M o v a b l e G a t e S p r i n g T e n s i o n A d j u s t m e n t
This adjustment must be made while the projector is running.
Load the film and adjust the focus. Each gate shoe has two (2) 4-40 socket cap screws, with which the pressure on
the film through the aperture can be adjusted.
Put the film in motion and observe the film image. Use as little pressure as possible while adjusting the cap screws to
correct the image for jitter. Excessive pressure on the film causes poor projector performance and increased film
F i l m E d g e G u i d e A d j u s t m e n t
Load the film and adjust the focus. Each edge guide has a socket cap screw with which the pressure on the film edge
can be adjusted.
Put the film in motion and observe the film image. Use as little pressure as possible while adjusting the set screws to
adjust picture weave. Too much pressure on the edge guides distorts the film path and causes uneven focus