Memory Mode
1. The device will show your scores on previous maneuvers
2. Press OK to navigate between Daily (D), Weekly (W) and
Monthly (M) scores
3. Press EXIT (left arrow) to scroll through previous scores
Example: The screen will look similar to the example below
The average score for Day 01
(the most recent day) is 11
The average score for Week
02 (the 2nd most recent
week) is “30”
The average score for Month
01 (the most recent month)
is “42”
The LungBoost uses mathematical equations to score your exercises.
The Endurance Scores take into account BOTH the average amount
of seconds inhaled and exhaled AND the number of times you
exercised. When you first begin and the exercises are easy, your
scores go up faster. But as you improve, it becomes more difficult to
get a better score. As you progress, you have to work harder.
The Strength Scores take into account BOTH the average ball height
inhaled and exhaled AND the number of times you exercised. When
you first begin and the exercises are easy, your scores go up faster.
But as you improve, it becomes more difficult to get a better score.
As you progress, you have to work harder.