FS-8705-12 Federal Signal Ultravoice - Electronic Siren Controllers Driver Manual
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FSU_ESC:#7 Err. CODE command out of
range. %s[%d]Value=%d
Where %s[%d] specifies a Data Array and
Valid Entries in the Data Array are 1-50 for
The most likely cause for this message is either the
driver has started up and there are zero’s in the
Data Arrays or the other protocol has written a
number to the FieldServer that is out of the valid
You can preload values into Data Arrays using the
configuration file. The FieldServer configuration
manual has notes on how to do that.
FSU_ESC:#8 Err. Unknown Function
The CODE command speficied in the configuration
file must be ‘CODE’ you cannot specify ‘CODE01’ or
any other format. Read example 3 in chapter 4 for
example on how to configure this command.
Correct the configuration and then download the
corrected configuration file and reset the
FieldServer for the changes to take effect.
FSU_ESC:#9x Err. Diagnostic
If any of these messages are printed please take a
log, send the log to Tech Support using email and
follow up with a call.
FSU_ESC:#10 Err. DA=%s is too short. Min
The Data Array is too short to store the data from
the Status report.
Correct the configuration and then download the
corrected configuration file and reset the
FieldServer for the changes to take effect.
FSU_ESC:#11 Err. Cmd=%s not
Read example 3 in chapter 4 for example on how
to configure this command.
FSU_ESC:#12 Err. Recieved Cmd=%s.
Require DA with name=%s to Store.
If this message is printed please take a log, send
the log to Tech Support using email and follow up
with a call.