We recommend the goldilocks and the three bears method;
small fire, medium fire, hot fire.
Simple guide to your first fire
read this manual and all warnings carefully
The A, B & C of lighting your 1st stove fire are:
A = air control
B = burn dry wood
C = cure paint carefully
prepare a small kindling fire
• scrunch up newspaper or use a firelighter, place kindling
over the top, light the fire, close the stove door
• open all air controls
• ventilate room
• maintain this SMALL FIRE for 15 minutes
• this warms up the stove components gently to prevent
the paint from being “shocked”
medium fire
• add a few split logs
• maintain medium fire for one hour
• close air boost disc and primary air (left hand knob)
when burning well
• aim to raise the surface temp to 450°F/230°C
• control on secondary air control (right hand knob)
hot fire
• add additional wood
• adjust controls to allow additional air flow to achieve a hot fire
• aim to achieve 600°F/315°C
• control on secondary air control (right hand knob)
• maintain hot fire for one hour
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