Nexus™ 4x1 User Manual Rev. 3
DMX Linking
DMX Linking
DMX Mode
DMX Linking connects Nexus™ 4x1 panels through their DMX input and output ports. The
Nexus™ 4x1 has both 3- and 5-pin DMX ports, so either 3- or 5-pin cables, or a combination
of both, can be used. DMX Linking is for DMX control and for Master/Slave control.
In DMX mode, Nexus™ 4x1 panels are controlled by a DMX controller, and the DMX address
and DMX personality must be set through the control panel.
The Nexus™ 4x1 automatically senses its control source. When there is a DMX cable plugged
in, the Nexus™ 4x1 expects DMX control. When there is an etherCON® cable plug in, it
expects an IP protocol, such as Art-Net™ or Kling-Net.
The Nexus™ 4x1 has 5 DMX personalities, each with different capabilities. The table below
lists the capabilities of each personality. For more information, see
DMX Address
. 3, 5, 9, 12 or 17
RGB control
RGB control with dimmer and strobe
R, G, B, WW, CW control with dimmer and dimmer speed, strobe, color
macros, auto programs and program speed
RGB with individual pixel control
17 channel
R, G, B, control with 4 WW and 4 CW controls, dimmer and dimmer speed,
strobe, color macros, auto programs and program speed
DMX Controller or Master
Other DMX Products