approach and landing are done completely unbraked.
1. In an air emergency situation, pull the release handle firmly so that the release pins
are pulled out of the release pin loops. Throw the inner container holding the reserve,
which is attached to the release handle, powerfully into clear air. As the suspension
lines stretch, the inner container opens and the canopy is inflated by the air current.
The reserve unfolds and the inner container is lost. Perform the throwing action as
quickly and as powerfully as possible, and practice it on the ground before each
repack of the reserve. It is important to also mentally practice the procedure several
2. Check: Is the canopy inflated? What is the height above ground?
3. Check: Orientation - what is the direction of flight (indicated by the red corner)?
4. Adjust the direction of flight: If there is an imminent collision with an obstacle,
immediately change the flight direction by pulling the brake loop (side does not
matter). Immediately try to do this even when the reserve is twisted.
5. Pull in or separate the paraglider (optional). Separation can be done by:
• Separation carabiners
• Unhooking the risers from conventional carabiners (a separation system for the
speed system is strongly recommended)
• Using a crosscut knife and cutting the paraglider risers or the main lines in case
of emergency. Material damage is preferable to physical damage, so every pilot
should always carry a crosscut knife in flight!
6. Direction check: Correct the direction of flight again, if necessary.
7. Resolve twists
Operating & packing instructions | DIAMONDcross