Packing into the inner container
Lead the rubber loop of the container through the two eyelets and secure the canopy
with it using a loop of the line bundle. Then remove the packing cord!
Tightly roll up the cap approx. 10 to max.
15 cm at the apex and push it all the way
to the bottom of the container.
Form several vertical S-folds and push
them into the container. Multiple small
S-folds keep the container flat.
A flat and compact packing method without excess air between
the panels is important.
Atoo high packing pressure can impair the reserve canopy’s ability to slide
out of the inner container.
If the packing cord is not removed, the reserve will not open
when released.
An improper functioning of the rescue parachute can lead to serious or fatal
Operating & packing instructions | DIAMONDcross