Deep Fried Turkey - Injected
• 10 to 14 lb. whole turkey
• 2/3 cup vinaigrette dressing
• 1/3 cup dry sherry
• 1 tablespoon lemon pepper seasoning
• 1 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
• 1 teaspoon onion powder
• 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1. Remove the giblets and neck, rinse the turkey well with cold water and
pat dry thoroughly with paper towels. It is very important to dry both
outside and inside cavities.
2. In a medium mixing bowl, combine vinaigrette, dry sherry and seasonings
together. Strain the marinade.
3. Inject the marinade in the turkey breast, thighs and legs using an
injection syringe.
4. Marinade for at least 3 hours in a food-safe plastic bag in a refrigerator.
5. Drain the marinade completely from the turkey and discard marinade.
Place the turkey in the fryer basket or on a rack, neck down.
6. Bring oil temperature to 375°F and very slowly lower the turkey into the
hot oil.
7. The temperature will drop to approximately 350°F.
8. Fry about 3-4 minutes per pound, or about 35-42 minutes for a
10-14 lb. turkey.
9. Use a meat thermometer to ensure the turkey has an internal
temperature of at least 170°F.
10. Carefully remove the turkey from the fryer and let sit for 15 minutes
before carving.