If burner does not light OR if burner flame is accidentally extinguished, turn knob to OFF,
wait 5 minutes, try again. If the burner does not ignite with valve open OR if burner flame
is accidentally extiguished after lighting, gas will continue to flow out of the burner and
could accidentally ignite with risk of injury.
Burner Flame Check
• Light burner, rotate knob from HIGH to LOW. You
should see a smaller flame in LOW position than
seen on HIGH. Always check flame prior to each
use. The air damper (D) mounted on the back of
your burner helps to control the amount of
primary air that mixes with the LP gas. A blue
flame with little or no yellow flame provides the
best heat. Adjust the air damper by turning it
clockwise or counterclockwise until the desired
flame is achieved.
Holes in Burner
Turning LP Cooker Off
Hose Check
• Turn all knobs to OFF position. Turn LP tank
OFF by turning hand-wheel clockwise to a full stop.
• Before each use, check to see if hoses are cut or worn. Replace damaged hose
assembly before using appliance. Use only valve/hose/regulator specified by
Air Damper
Lighting Instructions
Do not lean over LP cooker while lighting.
1. Turn regulator control valve to OFF position.
2. Fully open LP tank valve.
3. If your model has a rotary ignitor, turn ON the regulator
control valve. Turn the ignitor knob (up to 5 times) to
light burner. If you model does not feature an ignitor, or
if ignitor doesn’t work, light a match and place it over
burner. Slowly turn ON the regulator control valve.
DO NOT stand with head or arms over cooker.
4. If ignition does not occur in 5 seconds, turn the burner
control(s) off, wait 5 minutes, and repeat the lighting procedure.
Curing of paints and parts will produce an odor only on first use.